Hello Blog Land!
Please allow me to introduce myself! I'm Jen. Can you guess which feet are mine in the picture above? I guess that's not a difficult one...I'm the feet on the far left. Next to me is my wonderful son (currently 8 years old). Next to him is my husband (also a wonderful individual, of course) and my sweet daughter is the pair of feet on the far right (currently 5 1/2 years old. You know, that 1/2 year is an important one when you are 5 - so I had to include it).
My first encounter with blogging happened two years when I was looking for table centerpiece ideas for a fundraiser. One blog led me to another blog which led me to yet another blog. And so a new hobby began. I. was. hooked. I loved reading blogs! I began to wonder if I could write a blog as well, but negative self talk combined with a busy schedule kept me from taking that big step.
After living in other parts of the country for nine years, my family and I are now at home, in the northwest. And this blog is about our lives here and how I make a home here for my family.
Feel free to comment on my posts! I'd love to get to know you and have you get to know me too!! Thanks for reading! And thank you for going on this blogging journey with me!